2023春夏時裝周彩妝趨勢!復古又前衛「全包眼妝、素顏肌」 瑰麗優雅的舊好萊塢妝容回歸 / Spring/Summer 2023 Fashion Week makeup trends! Retro and avant-garde "all-over eye makeup, vegan skin", the return of the elegant old Hollywood makeup
從金屬現代到優雅破碎,每款造型都是經典!/ From metallic modern to elegantly broken, each look is a classic!
2023年春夏時裝周上,各大品牌運用鮮豔色彩及彩妝技巧,展現既復古又前衛的妝容氛圍,其中又以「舊式好萊塢」成為本次春夏時裝周的彩妝趨勢關鍵字;舊式好萊塢妝容喜愛利用貓眼眼線、加重睫毛根部和煙燻妝等技巧,打造出如同琥珀般深邃的眼部輪廓,而這次的時裝周上,這般強調立體感的眼妝更是難以盡數!本篇,特別彙整2023春夏時裝周值得關注的彩妝重點,彩妝迷們絕對要筆記!/ In the Spring/Summer 2023 fashion week, the major brands use bright colors and makeup techniques to show both retro and avant-garde makeup atmosphere, and "old Hollywood" is the keyword of this spring/summer fashion week makeup trend. The fashion week, this emphasis on the three-dimensional sense of eye makeup is challenging to be exhausted! In this article, we have compiled a special list of makeup highlights for Spring/Summer 2023 Fashion Week that makeup fans should note!