Musical talent is still in Paris. The city still has artists who write and transmit their emotions and their universe. We are no longer in the time of Edith Piaf or Gainsbourg but we have found one of these musicians who could be their spiritual daughter. We met and interviewed Clémence Violence who mixes jazzy atmosphere and rock n' roll with an underground and futuristic aesthetic. Have a nice read.
How did you start music?
I’m an autodidact. I didn’t grow up with an artistic background. My family are huge fans of music so I guess it comes from that. When I was 20, I found an old diary of my childhood, I was 8 and I said in it that I wanted to be a singer. It was like an electro choc. I realized that’s what I always wanted to do but I was too afraid. It was during lockdown at that time so I bought a cheap microphone online and I started recording myself. I just had to do it. So I did.
Why do you choose to call yourself Clemence Violence?
My first stage name was Kill Bill Junior but I wanted to have my name in it. Because I chose to have a persona I still wanted to be connected to it as much as possible. I’m not a violent person anymore but I can recall some times where I used to be. I guess it comes from that: nostalgia for old times.
Your music seems to be a mix of different styles and tastes ( jazz, pop, rock and roll ). Are you still looking for your own style or is it on purpose?
I think you need to try as many things as possible. I started music without knowing anything at all, I’m still experiencing my journey and it’s only the beginning. I’ve always enjoyed artists who are eclectic and not afraid to change drastically themselves in the purpose of their art. I want to see, do and feel everything.
Your first music available on the platform is Holy. Do you see yourself as some sort of saint?
I definitely don’t see myself as a saint. I’m kind of the opposite. The song is about days where you feel divine and others where you feel like you don’t belong in this world. There’s a duality I experience all the time. I don’t feel like I’m neutral in my feelings. One day I’ll wake up and feel like I can conquer the world, an other day, it’s the world that has conquered me.
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In the music video of the same song, you show clear references to spirituality. What importance does it have in your life?
I grew up in an atheist house but I’ve always been attracted to mystical things. I even called myself a witch once. I think being a woman and not being what society wants you to be is kind of being a witch. I also always wanted to have a sisterhood. I’m an only child. Maybe I would have been burned centuries ago. I started to become spiritual when I couldn’t recognize myself in most philosophic texts I was reading. I was more of a nihilist. Spiritually is not a huge part of my life but it gave me the strength to have a goal, a destiny I guess.
You ask in this song anybody to show you a way to fame. How do you imagine this way for you? Is this the object of your desire?
When I was a little kid I used to watch the Disney Channel and I was completely obsessed by the actors and the star system in general. As a teenager, my obsession derived from the “ fallen angels” like Amy Winehouse, Lyndsay Lohan or Britney Spears. It was kind of toxic but I was really into it. You know the way we put so many bad things on those women causes them to go straight to a hell of a life. I am well aware of how chaotic the star system is really but when I was younger I was only seeing the bright side.
I don’t want people to adore me, I don’t really care but I just know that there’s something waiting for me. I can’t really explain it.
We can see you singing in bars and clubs in Paris. why is that important for you?
I love to be on the scene, it’s really cathartic. In real life, I’m really outgoing and I can’t stand in one place. On the scene, I can control myself, I enjoy what I do. I feel more powerful and peaceful. I wish everyone could feel what I feel. It feels like a roller coaster you know? When you’re about to go down on the first loop and your heart won’t stop beating with adrenaline. I feel like that, every time, and I’m still not a famous one. The best is yet to come.
Who inspires you the most as a singer in the music industry? Why?
I guess I have three women who clearly had a big impact on me growing up. Amy, Lana and Gaga. All because I enjoy seeing strong women who took their vulnerability and made it a piece of art. I also grew up listening to a lot of rock n roll, Janis, Jimy, and the doors. I’m a mix of so many influences and I love it.
What are your upcoming projects?
I’m working on a new Clip and my first EP. I hope to release it soon!
Why should we listen to Clemence Violence?
I think you should listen to this cause as I said before I put all my vulnerability into my project. It’s raw, made from the heart. Also, I want to prove that you can do everything if you put your mind to it. You don’t need rich parents or to be already in the industry.
Source: https://www.coeval-magazine.com/coeval/clemence-violence?rq=VIOLENCE
photography EDWIN
makeup PAVLA