After 12 years as the co-host of MTV’s ‘Ridiculousness’ and welcoming her first child, Bowie Breeze, Chanel is making major moves. She recently inked a first-look deal with Paramount Media Networks that promises to bring even more Chanel to your screens. This powerhouse deal allows her to create and star in her own unscripted series while developing both scripted and unscripted projects under MTV Entertainment Studios. And if that’s not enough, she’s dropping a new album in early 2024 alongside her new MTV series. Chanel West Coast might be petite, but this boss is a force to be reckoned with.

I met Chanel about seven years ago at a Coachella party, and we’ve been besties ever since. We were both fiercely independent artists with a shared love for creating and, of course, serving fashion. Our bond really solidified during NYFW that September, where we hit up all the major events—The Blonds, Christian Cowan—you name it. The more time we spent together, the more I got to know the woman behind the TV personality. Chanel is savvy, compassionate, and relentlessly hardworking, both in front of and behind the camera.

When I moved to LA, Chanel adopted me and my hubby into her world, even getting me a guest spot on ‘Ridiculousness.’ Now, we’re part of her new MTV docu-series. As a plus-size girl with neon yellow hair, I don’t always find people who see the vision, but Chanel did. She always does. She has a unique ability to see everyone’s potential, and I’m so grateful to have her as a friend IRL.

Margie: Chanel, I’m beyond excited to interview you for your first LADYGUNN cover slay. We’ve spent so much time together working on your new reality TV show with MTV, and I’m thrilled that the world will finally see how kind, compassionate, and musical you are. You’re an MTV icon, and I’m here to give you your flowers!

Chanel: Thank you, babe! I’m so excited too. Let’s do this.

Margie: So, tell us—how did the name Chanel West Coast come about?

Chanel: Chanel is actually my middle name. When I was 16, I made a MySpace music page, and I wanted my URL to be just “Chanel.” But every Chanel was taken, so I tried numbers—still no luck. Then it hit me: I’m a rapper from the West Coast, so I went with “Chanel West Coast.” It was just supposed to be a URL, but when I started going to the studio, people started calling me “West Coast.” Rob Dyrdek loved it, and the name just stuck.

Margie: It’s funny that we’re in Chelsea right now, and your real first name is Chelsea! And yes, to clear the record—her legal middle name is Chanel, haters! LOL.

Chanel: Yep, I was named after Chelsea because my mom lived here when I was conceived. She already knew she wanted to move back to LA, so it was her way of keeping that New York vibe alive through my name.

Margie: And you still have family here, right?

Chanel: Yeah, my dad’s whole side is from New York. I’ve been flying back and forth since I was four, so I grew up bicoastal.

Margie: That’s why I think it’s funny you’re West Coast, but you’re so East Coast to me.

Chanel: I agree! I have the chill vibes of LA, but the real vibes of New York. I’m blunt and to the point, but I’m also more laid-back than the typical aggressive New Yorker. I took subways, buses, I walked—I had a humble upbringing, even in LA.

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Margie: Describe yourself in three words.

Chanel: Fun, Crazy, Passionate. Actually, let’s replace “crazy” with “entrepreneur.” Though, I think you have to be a little crazy to chase your dreams and keep going when people try to stop you. It takes a certain kind of crazy to do things others wouldn’t dare.

Margie: And I’d add “resilient!” No matter what, you bounce back even stronger. So, you’re a mom now, with a beautiful baby girl named Bowie Breeze, and you’re juggling a new reality show, your business Coasty Swim, and a new album. How do you do it all?

Chanel: It’s been crazy! I honestly don’t know how I do it. I get a lot done when she’s napping. I’ve always been a hustler, and now I’m just a mom hustler. The best part is having Dom—he’s an amazing dad and partner. He makes it easier to balance everything. We try to spend as much quality time with Bowie as possible, especially when we’re working. It’s all about balance.

Margie: Exactly, and shout out to your mom, Jamie, for holding it down!

Chanel: Thanks, Mom! We love you!

Margie: Since you’re an entrepreneur, let’s talk about Coasty Swim. When did you launch it?

Chanel: Coasty Swim is a recent launch, but it’s been in the works for a long time. I spent years researching manufacturers because I’m a Shark Tank fan, and I wanted to get the margins right. It’s an eco-friendly swimwear line made from recycled materials, so we’re literally saving the planet while making cute stuff. Check it out at

Margie: That’s what makes you the ultimate businesswoman—you’re thinking beyond profit to your impact.

Chanel: Exactly. I’m always about making a difference and helping others. We can all do small things every day to make the world a better place.

Margie: As someone you uplift, I can vouch for that. Even though you’re a rapper signed to Young Money with millions of streams and hit TV shows, you’re so humble. I want people to see this side of you—the smart businesswoman, artist, and mom who does it all independently.

Chanel: Yes, all of it independently, and I’m super hands-on. I direct my own music videos, design my own swimwear, write my own songs—I’m involved in every aspect of my work. I think it’s important to have creative input in everything I do.

Margie: Damn, and she’s well-spoken too! How did you start in music?

Chanel: Music has been a part of my life forever. My mom put me in ballet, and even though I wasn’t obsessed with it, she knew I was musical. I started taking music classes in elementary school, and my dad, a hip-hop DJ in New York, always had music around me. I started hip-hop dance at seven, joined a team, and fell in love with performing. In middle school, I got into writing poetry, which turned into writing raps. I made a MySpace music page at 16, and somehow, that led to TV.

My goal was to get a record deal, but instead, I got a deal with Rob Dyrdek and ended up on TV. Ironically, I think TV hurt my music career more than it helped because people didn’t see me as a serious artist. But I hustled, networked, and eventually landed a deal with Polo da Don. The rest is history.


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Margie: And now your album is about to drop. How would you define your sound on this album?

Chanel: My sound is diverse. I love all genres, and I try to incorporate everything I love into my music. This album is different—it has more singing, pop-rock elements, but still with a hip-hop undertone. It’s moody because I wrote a lot of these songs when I was in a lonely place. But I want people to hear that and know you can come out the other side, find love, and have everything you want.

Margie: I’ve heard it, and it’s amazing. What’s your favorite song on the album?

Chanel: That’s tough…maybe ‘California State of Mind’ and ‘Waste My Time.’

Margie: What’s ‘Waste My Time’ about?

Chanel: I wrote it when I was single and dating, feeling like every guy was wasting my time. It’s about being okay with that—just enjoying the moment.

Margie: As a boss, what’s your best advice for aspiring artists?

Chanel: Ignore the haters. People will doubt you, especially if they don’t have the guts to chase their own dreams. Don’t let their negativity stop you. Keep pushing forward and tune out the noise.

Margie: Totally agree. Anything else you want to add?

Chanel: Yes, this interview is a perfect example of healthy friendship. Women need to support each other more, work together, and think about community instead of competing so much.

Margie: As part of your community, I appreciate you. I love you, and I’m so glad we get to do this together.


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In conversation with Margie Plus

Photos /Photos / Savanna Ruedy 

Styling / Phil Gomez

Makeup / David Velasquez 

Hair / Isaac Davidson

Copy Editor / JoAnn Zhang 


September 10, 2024 — Victoria Velandia

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