"Playland" Laruicci in Schön! Magazine!

This playful shoot sums up summer- long, hazy days on Rockaway Beach featuring Laruicci Bracelets, with the pastel Playland Motel as the backdrop.

Photography / Sarra Fleur Abou-El-Haj
Stylist / Julie Brooke Williams
Hair / Dominick Pucciarello @ ABTP for Mizu New York
Color / Dimitrios Tsioumas for Mizu New York
Make Up / Robert Sesnek @ The Wall Group using Chanel
Model / Ali Michael @ IMG
Photo Assistant / Will Wang
Fashion Assistants / Michael Lopez & Chanda Hubbard
Location / The Playland Motel, Far Rockaway NY


LARUICCI X The Blonds- The Show (Stopper)

LARUICCI X The Blonds- The Show (Stopper)

Don't Forget the Unicorns

The Blonds stayed true to their name as they refined their colour palette to shades of platinum, beige and a touch of bronze, for their 10th Anniversary show, although this was no understatement. They were as dazzling as ever with sequins,studs and chain mail- the lot and don't forget the unicorns.

Laruicci's boldly futuristic and outrageous style made the perfect complement to the extravagant styles that made their way down the fantastical path that was the runway that night.

Out came the custom, sky high Louboutin's that had the effect of turning it's beautiful model into true Pegasus status.


Laruicci's oversized headphones bounced and gleamed in cohesion with the tribe of Blond Girl's bodacious wigs.

Not only were there highly structured elements borrowed from the Romans themselves but also Athleisure fit for the Queen or any queen for that matter, decorated with Preciosa crystals.


 We particularly loved this casual-not-so-casual neporene piece done up to the nines, a look we would all love to rock on a night out, especially when teamed with the slouchy socks and silver stilettos, although it had stiff competition from the Pegasus sweater dress, complete with lame wings.







With the beautifully executed use of metallics, silks, sequins and crystals, every Blond Girl was transformed into a being from another realm.


No Blonds show would be complete without Phillipe's grand finale, who came exhiliratingly close to being fully head to toe in crystal. 




 Photo Credits: #shotbymf.com